Radio Repair

Tabletop AM Tube Radios

We’ll bring your radio back to life!

Photos of some completed sets at bottom of page.

After repairing tube radios for family and friends for a few years, we now offer this service to you. To make sure everything is clear and we meet your needs, please read the following details. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions at

To send your radio– print, fill out, and send the PDF on the Radio Tune-Up Order Form tab along with your radio to the address on the form.

The Concept
We consider our radio services more as a kind of “tune-up,” not a tradional repair service or restoration, although Level 3 (described below) is a nearly full restoration. Our services are geared toward radios that are mostly functional and not missing any significant parts (except tubes). The typical radio tune-up candidate is one that was working years ago and put into storage or up on a shelf. It might have had some minor issues. Or, it could be a radio you’re using now but want to get back into top shape. We expect to find items that need a quick repair, but nothing serious, and we’ll take care of those as part of the process.

Radios We Service
Right now, and this could change, we’re working on U.S.-made tabletop tube AM superheterodyne sets. It’s OK if yours has a shortwave band, too. We’re covering about 1939-1964, and most of these are known as All-American Five radios (they have five tubes), although some have four or six tubes. They’re all about the size of a breadbox and sit on a tabletop.

–For AM/FM tube tabletops, inquire at–

Our Service Options
We offer three levels in order to provide a range of options and pricing. (For any level, we first inspect your radio before power-up. Then we bring up the voltage slowly on a variable transformer, making note of current draw. After servicing, we listen to your radio on various stations for an hour straight before returning it to you.)

Level One $39
We’ll test tubes, replace any that aren’t at 70% of new or better. We cover the first bad tube, but after that it’s $5 per tube. Tired old tubes returned with test results. Then, we’ll check key resistors and replace any that are out of specification, followed by an alignment of the IF and RF sections. Finally, we’ll do a quick, gentle cleanup of the chassis top and case.

This is a good solution if your radio works OK with no significant hum.

Level Two $69
We’ll do all of Level One and also replace all electrolytic capacitors. If your radio has significant hum, this usually fixes it. Old capacitors returned.

Level Three $109
You get Level Two, plus we’ll replace all wax/paper or similar obsolete capacitors. We’ll also clean switches and potentiometers, replace any burned-out dial bulbs, and check key voltages. Old parts returned. Nearly a full-out restoration, this solution gets your radio back to near-new.

Other Possible Needs
Power cords can be replaced at part cost, usually about $10.

Wiring with a lot of crumbling rubber insulation can be replaced on a case-by-case basis. We’ll provide an estimate.

Dial restringing is available at $14.99.

Minor speaker tears can be repaired at $9.99.

If other issues come up, we’ll contact you and provide an estimate.

As always, if any questions, please send us an email to

Important–Radios We Prefer Not to Service

Transistor radios

Radios much larger than the typical All-American Five tabletop, about 12″ x 7″ x 8″.

Anything older than about 1935. Contact us if in doubt.

Units with Catalin cases (thermosetting polymer). Too valuable.

Units with missing or defective parts (other than tubes). This includes defective IF transfomers. If you know your IF or output transformer is defective, please don’t send the radio. Those issues are beyond our scope of service.

AC-DC portables that can run on batteries. (Too many parts crammed into a small space.)

Sorry, we don’t perform any cabinet re-finishing.

–We have some flexibility on all of this, so contact us at if you have any questions or need clarification.

Our Parts
We use fresh parts that are better than the originals.


We accept Zelle (preferred) or PayPal, but we can accept personal checks.

Our parts and labor are warranted for 30 days. If something comes up within 30 days, contact us with a description of the probem. If additional work is required, owner is responsible for return shipping. We’ll cover shipping back to you.

Turn-Around Time
Most radio tune-ups can be completed in a few days. We keep a good supply of standard parts, but if out-of-stock parts are required, that adds about five days because of parts shipping time to us.

Packing Tips
Double-boxing is always best, but if not possible just wrap radio in a soft cloth and then two or three layers of heavy bubble wrap. Make sure the box is sturdy and at least 2″ larger than the wrapped radio on all sides. Then stuff wadded newspaper or styrofoam or similar to fill remaining space all around the radio. No need to remove tubes. Some extra bubble wrap to protect knobs and faceplate is best. Be careful not to stress the radio back–often that holds the antenna and is fragile. Wrap power cord in a coil and then wrap that in some bubble wrap, too, and tuck it where it won’t rub hard against radio case or back.

Top: Completed 1946 Zenith 6D030 Eames model.
Bottom: The radio after re-capping, before alignment.

Philco PT-2. Circa 1942.

Top: Zenith portable circa 1960.
Bottom: Radio after re-capping. It tested fine, but lower left dropping resistor replaced.

Zenith 5Z05 “Majorette” 1957

RCA 4X641 1954


Photos 1-4 above: Make and model not recorded and no photo of finished radio. However, Photo 2 shows it was a former mouse mouse. Photo 3 shows significant rust and dirt on top of tubes and IF transformers. Photo 4 is about halfway through re-capping. Believe it or not this radio came back to life and sounded great. Owner was thrilled. He was lucky, as the IF transformers were not frozen or otherwise damaged.

1936 American Bosch 460A

Owner bought this for $22 at an estate sale! In overall great shape, especially the cabinet. It just needed three tubes, a new power cord, and an alignment. It has AM and three shortwave bands–and they all work now.

Rear of 460A, showing the robust design.

The broadcast band dial.

Vacuum Tube Testing, Matching, and Sales